ENK LIFE      Erasmus and Kinkajou What you need to know about LIFE -
What they don't teach you at school.






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Life and Success

We talk about choosing a career, a partner, clothing, your path in life through the rat race, finances, real estate buying and selling, getting a tax refund, personality and its role in the relationships to people around you and how to make Good Decisions.


Life and Success Life and Success

Choosing a Career Choosing a Career
Choosing Clothing Choosing Clothing
Partners and Marriage Partners and Marriage
The Rat Race The Rat Race

Finances in Life Finances in Life
Real Estate Buy vs Sell Checklist Real Estate Checklist for Buy/Sell
Getting Tax Refunds Getting Tax Refunds
A Good Decision A Good Decision
Personality Personality




Life and Success Life and Success
We talk about choosing a career, a partner, clothing, your path in life through the rat race, finances, real estate buying and selling, getting a tax refund, personality and its role in the relationships to people around you and how to make Good Decisions.

Choosing a Career Choosing a Career
If you want to earn a high salary in life, aim for a career where people can afford to pay you. We talk about career choices.

Choosing Clothing Choosing Clothing
People judge you by who you represent yourself to be. Clothing is a major part of this. We talk about clothing selection and having a checklist to assess the clothing you are considering buying.

Partners and Marriage Partners and Marriage
Always ask three questions before you choose a partner: Are They  nice to you? Are they an asset to you? Do you like the life they give you? With these three questions you can make sensible choices. You can live with many people but your life will be very different depending on who you choose to spend it with.

The Rat Race The Rat Race
Too many people push you to work your whole life to succeed. But this is a choice you need to make for yourself, but often never do. Choose your own path and values.

Finances in Life Finances in Life
We talk about the factors that give you money in life – choosing a job – saving –  spending.

Real Estate Buy vs Sell Checklist Real Estate Checklist for Buy/Sell
If you’re buying or selling a property, have a checklist to assess the property. Rely on the answers that you have worked out, not just on what other people seek to tell you to manipulate you.

Getting Tax Refunds Getting Tax Refunds
We give you a simple plan that will help you to maximise your tax deductions throughout your life.

A Good Decision A Good Decision
We emphasise lateral thinking by having a checklist of questions that can be used to assess any situation. The more factors you consider, the more likely that the decision you make is better in different aspects of that same decision.

Personality Personality
We help you to understand the people you know and work with and how their personalities affect your interactions. The enneagram is a major tool for understanding personality.











